Development of a web application for those planning pregnancy

Project Overview

visit site

Pregnancy, a visionary startup in the health and wellness sector. They approached with a mission – to create a digital haven for women navigating the intricacies of pregnancy and family planning. The project aimed not only to disseminate valuable information but also to offer personalized advice tailored to individual needs, promoting a healthy and informed lifestyle.

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UI/UX Design
Web application
SEO optimization

Client Objectives

and Challenges

The client approached with specific objectives: to develop a user-friendly web application focused on pregnancy and family planning, implement a secure payment system for accessing subscription-based content, and create interactive surveys to provide personalized recommendations. These goals were set to ensure the platform could offer a comprehensive and engaging experience to its users.


and Impact

The Pregnancy project stands as a testament to technological innovation meeting the delicate needs of women during significant life stages. The resulting web application provides a holistic and personalized approach to pregnancy and family planning, with innovative features and secure payment integration contributing to an enriched user experience. This case study exemplifies how technology can empower and support individuals on their journey to parenthood.

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